25 February 2004


It's now three weeks since I stopped smoking. It all going really well and I hardly have cravings any more. I think I had one on Sunday but that's it. I've kicked the habit, having something in your hands and the like, but I haven't kicked the addiction. This was proven yesterday when I was in the foulest of foul moods. I didn't know why and I just carried on, biting my tongue seemingly about every five minutes. It got to about three o'clock and I realized that I hadn't put my patch on! The good thing that came from this is that I found out that my habit is pretty much licked but the bad thing is that I'm obviously still addicted to nicotine.

The patches ARE a good thing because I've not had to kick the habit and the addiction at the same time and in three weeks time when the patches get smaller, I will be kicking the addiction and doing it in a controlled way. I'm staying at defcon three.

On the weight front, I lost two and a half pounds this week. I was a little worried because there was no loss last week but I put that down to my metabolism changing after stopping smoking. I've said it before, Yes... smoking really DOES affect EVERY aspect of your life. I've started to exercise regularly and this has definitely helped and having the lung capacity of an eight year old instead of a six year old helps a great deal.

Onwards and upwards =)

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