31 May 2007

Stumbling Block (more of a pebble...)

So, I need to identify this and tackle it before it properly sabotages anything. I really need to watch the snacks when I get in from work and just before bed.

Getting in from work snack seems to be an actual proper habit that needs breaking. I did smoking so I can do this.

The just before bed seems to occur if it gets to the time when I really should be hitting the sack but I'm not tired. So I have a sneaky snack.

Thing is I've already cut out most of the snacking, especially at work.

I do it automatically and I'm usually halfway through preparing it before I catch myself and think... and I hate chucking food...

It's never anything too evil. I think the worst culprit is the marmite on toast. I also have crisp bread and soft cheese. Maybe a couple of pots of yoghurt. Perhaps some fruit.

So you see it's nothing uber evil, I just need to control it a bit more.

I'm going to try getting dinner as soon as I can after I get in and perhaps have a couple of healthy type nibbles later on.

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