11 February 2004

One Stone Off and One Week Later

It's been a week since I stopped and it's going a lot more smoothly than I thought. I was really nervous last Tuesday but I've had nothing worse than a few seconds of craving for a cigarette. I've got used to the physical symptoms and they don't bother me as much and I'm getting the coolest and most vivid dreams every night! I wonder if it's the withdrawal or do non-smokers get them like this?

I lost two and a half pounds this week. I wasn't expecting that at all. With stopping smoking, I was expecting my metabolism to increase and absorb more stuff from my food but it hasn't happenned yet. This takes me over the stone since I started.

One thing I have noticed is how much smoking dominated every single aspect of your life. It's going to take a while to program my head to not miss lighting up and I'm doing everything WITHOUT a cigarette when it should be perfectly natural.

I'm going down to defcon3.

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